(September 9, 1913 – January 1, 2010)
Graduate and Washington D.C. Times Herald reporter, Dailey authored “Green Hills — A Pictorial History of Iowa State.”
Laura Christiansen Dailey was born September 9, 1913 in Urbana, IL, growing up in Story County, Iowa to Verna (Johnson) and Nels Christensen. Dailey graduated from Ames High School, then Iowa State University receiving a honors degree in home economics journalism. After graduating, Dailey worked as a reporter for the woman's page of the Washington, D.C. Times Herald.
Laura Christiensen Dailey married husband William Dailey and moved back to Ames in 1950. Mr. and Mrs. Dailey had three children, William Dailey Jr., Susan Donaldson, and Christie Dailey. Laura Dailey was a part of the First United Methodist Church of Ames.
Back in Ames, Dailey worked in the ISU Alumni Association and Development Office from 1953 to 1980 when she retired. She also worked as editor of the Iowa State Alumnus, was Assistant to the Director of Alumni Affairs, and served as unofficial alumni archivist. “For 27 years she earned the affection and admiration of alumni around the world who regarded her not only as a fine editor, knowledgeable speaker, ombudsman and unofficial alumni archivist, but as a personal friend.”[1]
Among her many duties, Laura Dailey is best remembered for her book Green Hills—A Pictorial History of Iowa State.
Laura Dailey died on January 1, 2010 at the age of 97.
Iowa State University Plaza of Heroines
https://plaza.las.iastate.edu/directory/laura-christensen-dailey/, 3-4-2013
Obituary: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/laura-dailey-obituary?pid=178416478
Green Hills — A Pictorial History of Iowa State https://iastate.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p15031coll22/id/1074/